Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How this came to be...

So-a little background on the genesis of our blog. We were recently at theAnnual Hot Dog Cookoff at the Kelso Brewery in Brooklyn, working pro-bono as beer wenches, and decided that we needed an arena in which we could explore and reflect on Manhattan's offerings of all things meat. This brainchild was out of necessity to document our exploits in restaurant and social fare as well as obtain recommendations from similarly minded followers. Consider us casual metropolitan anthropologists. Our objective is to leave this city with no stone unturned and to have a record of how we lived our post-college, pre-cougar days...


  1. I keep checking back every five minutes for updates, I'm so damn excited!

  2. I guess I am at the right site for eating and beefing up on the big city's meet and greets. I really am excited for the two young nubile blood-thirsties who entertain themselves on these adventures. Just call me, I'll be home all next weekend,Love, Mom

  3. dear mom,
    what are you cooking for dinner? please describe in detail.

  4. WHERE DO THE ELITE MEET TO EAT MEAT???? I am so intrigued by your meaty quest. Am I excluded from participation in your mission because, unlike Lulu and Lilly, I am post-college but WANNABE cougar? Here are my qualifications to contribute: I am a vegetarian with a weakness for Sabrett hot dogs, my name starts with the letter L and I am totally desperate to blog. It's my very first time!!

  5. To Errin: Thanks for the great feedback! You seem to have discriminating tastes and appear to be completely unbiased.

  6. While being wonderfully introduced to this extraordinary website..I couldn't help but be reminded of a bumber sticker that is fitting..

    "I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian!"

    and plus vegans smell!
