Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Daily Piece of Meat

Meat it or Beat it? CORNER BISTRO

To celebrate being alive, the Mavericks didanother one of their neighborhood tours. They started and the Spotted Pig, dominated Hot Links at the Fat Black Pussycat, pranced on over to their local psychic bodega and then scurried over to Pinkberry. Late Night! Now about the meat-amongs all of those activities, they did make a quit pit stop to refuel at ye olde Corner Bistro. As we grabbed the best bench by the window, our Kevin Federline-like waiter appeared and tols us what is what. There isn't so much a menu as an option of cheese or no cheese. Me and Melady love our lactose! Cheese, Please...and I like mine to match my wardrobe (please reference photo-or ask Lilly who knows I liked posing next to anything yellow the entire night). Although the burger was fine and the recommended lager went down like a slutty submarine, I was most impressed by the clientele. Whether it was the morbidly obese man slinging bootleg DVDs, the French couple who was afraid of napkins or the super hot Silverfox who stole my heart through the window and then came back around to make Lilly feel super-awkward-turtle, I thought it was a great time! We rate this Goose and a Half, without the gander! Hi-YAH! Honk, Honk!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Daily Piece of Meat

Lulu's Power Animal!!!

Upcoming Meat it or Beat it:

Another integral part of the Burgasm Episode of HIMYM was the repeated touting of The Corner Bistro as the obvious choice for the City's Perfect Burgers. Of course the Mavericks had already rocked the s out of that joint but a mere fortnight ago. We will post our review at the next meeting of the minds... Prepare yourself for the tale of Lulu and the Silver Fox besmocked in lavendar who eye-f-ed the s out of Lulu while she daintily enjoyed her daily piece of meat...


I am not an avid fan of "How I Met Your Mother," but melady loves the program and our good friend Ruth swears by it on lonely nights with her cat... Well lo and behold, I caught the program upon my electronic television device last night and the entire story revolved around the search for the City's perfect burger...Here is the highlight"

"Just a Burger? Just a burger. Robin, it’s so much more than “just a burger”. I mean…that first bite—oh what heaven that first bite is! The bun like a sesame freckled breast of an angel resting gently on the ketchup and mustard below—flavors mingling in a seductive
pas-de-deux And then…a pickle…the most playful little pickle! Then a slice of tomato, a leaf of lettuce and a…a patty of ground beef so exquisite; swirling in your mouth breaking apart and combining again in a fugue of sweets and savor so delightful. This is no mere sandwich of grilled meat and toasted bread, Robin: this is God…speaking to us in food."

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lost Lilly

Guess who showed up on my work's doorstep this afternoon? Penniless and soaked? Poor little Lilly...she only had $1.78, so I bequeathed to her a dowry of goldfish crackers, ginger ale and string cheese. It looks like her color is finally coming back...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Daily Piece of Meat

Gournet's Diarty of a Foodie: Tuscan Simplicity

Do you guys know about the Florentine Tripe Street Cart???? In all of my trips to Florence, I never saw this guy selling all 4 stomachs of the cow as cold cuts.

Growth and development of meat animals

Agricultural science has identified several factors bearing on the growth and development of meat in animals.

Introducing Regional Correspondent AJ Wellington

I like to think of New York and New Jersey as long distance cousins. Two beings with a lot of things in common but nothing to talk about... Well, what we need here is an ice breaker. Enter me, AJ Wellington. My job as Regional Correspondent for the Meat Mavericks is to break ice while I'm breaking bread. Perhaps more familiar with the black sheep in the family (noted for it's dense population and political corruption) New Jersey is home to many a meat lover. From the Brazilian Rodizio in the Ironbound District of Newark down to the fist pumping kind on the Jersey shore. You may find yourself asking, what do the suburbs have anything to do with me? Not normally one to point fingers, but NYC is technically responsible for the Urban Sprawl which created the suburbs of New Jersey. And if you enjoy reading about the appetites of our two "nubile blood thirsties," (thank you Errin) you may also enjoy my suburban forage. So before we delve further into the vilified Garden State, let's discover what it has to offer by way of food and social fare. This week I'll be visiting Elevation Burger in Montclair, NJ. Stay tuned ....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Constant Updates

The Mavericks are going off of the grid for the next 36. Our alter-egos must tend to their real lives. We will be compiling data for the next blogging sesh. Please leave comments and recommendations, they are greatly appreciated.

Meat Myth or Must?

True or False? It takes 60 gallons of water to produce one hamburger patty.

Daily Piece of Meat
Sweet sweet meaty Eric Bana. Lilly salutes your hairless appearance in Time Traveler's Wife while Lulu salutes your beefy upper body.

Interview with a Vegan

As I traversed the moist cobblestones on a frigid London evening in New York's LES, I got a text from the vegan to meet at his studio dungeon. I thought to myself, "I hope he doesn't see the stake I'm hiding in my trench coat or smell the garlic butter resting betwixt my buns." And I was on my way to interview a "Vegan."
Question: Why are you defying God?

Answer: I'm doing "God" a favor, saving creatures, sucking humans...biyatch
Whoawhoawhoa...we're all friends here.
I eat my friends.
Wouldn't your blood-lust inspire carnivorous nocturnal activity?
I choose to celebrate like a gentleman. Cigar, brandy, bowl of broccoli and brussel sprouts, catching a rerun of Erin Brokovich on TBS.
Hmmm...surprising. Why Brokovich?
I have a litigous libido.
Is there any actress you would like to turn into your immortal "vegan" beloved?
Lisa Kudrow and Chandler Bing. Could I beeeeeeee any more vegan? (He chuckles, satisfied with his joke.)
What do you do to occupy yourself while the Daywalkers are contributing to society?
A lot of Solitaire, reading, painting, anything I can do to stimulate myself...that's what she said.
Do you think that joke will hold up for an eternity?
There's only one way to find out, sucka!

Gift from Chopped Liver

This just in: Lulu and Lilly's old gal pal just gifted us this amazing contribution.

Daily Piece of Meat

Soooo Paradise...

Meat Myth or Must

Brought to you by Lilly:
True or False? Cows have 4 stomachs.

Thank you, Arossi!
' It is a Meaty Fact! Cows have 4 stomachs! Also, I am nearly certain humans do have 9 livers, if not.. how else does The Hoff keep appearing on America's got Talent?'

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Meet the Daily Piece of Meat

It is only fitting that the inaugural "Daily Piece of Meat" be the actor John HAMM. A timely selection as the third season of Mad Men begins this Sunday. Thanks to GQ for this glorious photo as all of the polaroids I have of Hamm just do not do him justice.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Meat it or Beat it?

Our first official foray into gastronomical blogging-The Mavericks met on a muggy evening at Madison Square Park. We were blessed by the burger gods with a short wait and sexy summer breezes that ruffled our tailfeathers. MiLady ordered the ShackBurger, Fries, and an Arnold Palmer and I demanded that they "make that a double." After indulging in the Dark and Stormy Custard Sample, a frequent treat that accompanies being one of the city's esteemed celebrities, we headed to our virgin table. In no time our vibrators were purring and then our buzzers went off, "Did somebody say 'Meat Time'?" We quickly retrieved our petite yet satisfying main course, much like being in the backseat of a Volkswagen with a Finnish exchange student. We ate and drank and observed a young, strapping, bearded rugby player who may or may not have been ManMeat focused. The Shackburger receives our highest rating, Top Gun. It was the perfect size for a lady but with enough flavor for a gentleman. With fresh toppings, melted cheese, and squeezable buns, this burger was flying high! We highly recommend you come with your co-pilot and Meat It! That's what she said...

First Official Meating Minutes

  • Death Meat-your last meal?
  • Vegan Converts? WWJD?
  • Mystery Meat or Mister E. Meat?
  • Scouting for other Bloggers? Beware of skateboards?
  • Man bag and cuffed pants? European or ManMeat focused?
  • Meat Myth or Must?
  • Hamburglar Boy-He must be defeated!
  • Slim Jim Tragedy-Lilly's Op-Ed (soon to be posted)

Boom Boom Shake Shack Pow

Ok-On our way to Shake Shack...will let you know how it stacked up. Iceman, Goose, or Top Gun?

Submission from Honorary Maverick

Great News Meat Mates! Just got a submission of the Steak Samurai's most recent conquest. He showed this slab of beef who is boss! Please keep the images coming!

How this came to be...

So-a little background on the genesis of our blog. We were recently at theAnnual Hot Dog Cookoff at the Kelso Brewery in Brooklyn, working pro-bono as beer wenches, and decided that we needed an arena in which we could explore and reflect on Manhattan's offerings of all things meat. This brainchild was out of necessity to document our exploits in restaurant and social fare as well as obtain recommendations from similarly minded followers. Consider us casual metropolitan anthropologists. Our objective is to leave this city with no stone unturned and to have a record of how we lived our post-college, pre-cougar days...